Unapologetic Opinions From A Carbon Footprint Calculation Expert
Until now, vital ocean observing activities that underpin human safety, marine health, blue economies, and sustainable development have largely been…May 2023
Detect, Capture and Sequester: NitrogenOn May 10th, 2023, Ocean Exchange and MTS hosted the second of a four part series on some of the…Shaping the Future Ocean Observing and Services Market
Until now, vital ocean observing activities that underpin human safety, marine health, blue economies, and sustainable development have largely been…Mark Shrope, Director of Schmidt Marine Technology Partners, discusses closing the critical blue tech funding gap.
Mark Shrope, Director of Schmidt Marine Technology Partners, discusses closing the critical blue tech funding gap.Vittorio Lacagnina Joins Ocean Exchange Board of Governors
The Ocean Exchange announces that Vittorio Lacagnina, will be joining their Board of Governors.March 2023
Detect, Capture and Sequester: CarbonCarbon On March 8th, 2023, Ocean Exchange and MTS hosted the first of a four part series on some of…The Great Lakes Need Innovation
By Ed Bailey, Director, Marine Center at Northwestern Michigan College The Great Lakes region represents 27% of the combined US…Navigating the Seas as an Early Career Professional
By: Colin Kelly, Business Development Manager, ecoSPEARS A childhood with summers and holidays in Long Island, New York, an introduction…